TITLE: Circles
MEDIA: Code Animation
SOFTWARE: Adobe Dreamweaver and Illustrator
CLASS: ART 310 Creative Coding (STDO)
PROFESSOR: Santiago Echeverry
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
LINK: http://art310.santiago.bz/fa17/rachel%20curtis/

* Open all projects in Chrome or Firefox for best result*

Interactive Link: For best result, slide mouse slowly from top left diagonal to bottom right corner http://art310.santiago.bz/fa17/rachel%20curtis/mandalas/Drawn_Images_Mandala.html


Interactive Link: For best result, slide mouse slowly from top corner to opposite bottom corner http://art310.santiago.bz/fa17/rachel%20curtis/mandalas/Image_Mandala.html


Interactive Link: Have fun playing the game. Beware of snakes!  http://art310.santiago.bz/fa17/rachel%20curtis/game/game_play.html


Interactive Link: For best result, slide mouse slowly from left to right http://art310.santiago.bz/fa17/rachel%20curtis/Sacred%20Geometry/Sacred_Geometry_2.html


Interactive Link: For best result, hold mouse in corners and random spots on the canvas          http://art310.santiago.bz/fa17/rachel%20curtis/mandalas/Text_Mandala.html


Interactive Link: For best result, slide mouse slowly from left to right http://art310.santiago.bz/fa17/rachel%20curtis/Crop%20Circle/Crop_Circle_2.html


This class was my first in-depth class on “creative coding.” I had very little experience using Adobe Illustrator and coding in Dreamweaver, prior. These projects have taught me to consistently save my work, and to keep checking over my code in to avoid large errors, resulting in the breaking of the code. I chose a theme to convey in each project, and wrote down a list of elements I wanted to include before I began coding. The majority of these projects took a minimum of 24 hours to complete.