Creativity is my passion. It drives me and motivates me to do things I never thought possible. I know I have a great idea when it comes into my mind like an explosion; suddenly I have figured it out. I can solve creative problems just as mathematicians solve equations; there is always a solution. From the start of the vision, my ideas expand rapidly, as I keep expanding the original thought. This continuing chain reaction of creative thoughts will keep me up at night, as I continue to rework and refine the ideas in my head. Adrenaline rushes through me, and I am excited to wake up the following morning and see my designs come to fruition. The way this creative energy makes me feel can be compared to no other feeling, and this is why I know I am supposed to be an artist. When I tell other people my ideas, they tend to sound “crazy” or “too big”, but I know my own ability and I know these ideas that are “too big” can be achieved. After all, people who do great things never limit themselves to small ideas. I believe my success will come from never being willing to say no. Creative ideas are flexible. If one solution doesn’t work, there are a million others, all of which I am willing to attempt for the success of the design. I will not stop working on a design until it makes me proud; it is simply not enough for the design to be mediocre. My goal as a designer is to create work that will inspire others to continue to create. Expansion and growth within the art world and the physical world are important to me. I believe that the sharing of ideas, and the ability to expand on each other’s work is essential to art’s ability to make a lasting impact on society. Creating a beautiful environment, as designers are often responsible for doing, is imperative to the mental health of the individuals who live among it. I personally believe environmental wellness is a critical part of living a healthy life.