TITLE: UT Dining Uncovered
MEDIA: Documentary Film
SOFTWARE: Adobe Premiere
SPECIFICATIONS:1080 px X 1920px, 24fps, 7’18”, sound
CLASS: COM 241 Intro to Sound, Image, and Motion
PROFESSOR: Greg Lessar
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
DOWNLOAD: Click Here
LINK: Click Here
I created this Documentary in Adobe Premiere. I interviewed ten students and filmed them discussing their opinions about UT Dining. I also collected footage of campus food being consumed and other dining related footage. I then edited the clips to bring common themes such as quality, value, options, and other general topics together. The last step was to add background music. I chose to do a documentary on UT Dining because I believe the food is not up to par. I was especially motivated by my personal experiences with uncooked chicken and a chunk of dirt in my salad. I felt this documentary was a good way to present the voices of real UT students with real UT dining experiences. The consensus of my 10 subjects, was that the campus sponsored food is not meeting their expectations.
TITLE: Frankly, Joshing, and Tomfoolery
MEDIA: Scripted Film
SOFTWARE: Adobe Premiere
SPECIFICATIONS: 1080 px X 1920px, 24fps, 8’26”, sound
CLASS: COM 241 Intro to Sound, Image, and Motion
PROFESSOR: Greg Lessar
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
DOWNLOAD: Click Here
LINK: Click Here
This Movie was a group project. A fellow classmate wrote the script. Myself and the two other student in my group proceeded to find actors, shoot each scene of the movie, and edit the footage. We shot in over 6 locations and had many people involved in the production. I think the films content is rather distasteful and I do not particularly care for the story line, but I have to say I learned a lot about the process of creating a movie through this assignment. Although I do not appreciate the content I think we did a really great job with editing the footage and using unique and effective camera angles. I think it is important to be able to work with people on projects even when there is a difference of opinion in the types of things we want to create. My group members knew far more about creating a movie than I did in the beginning, so it was really great to learn from them throughout the whole process.
TITLE: Roses are Red
MEDIA: Flip Book
SPECIFICATIONS: 1080 px X 1920px, 24fps, 0’19”, sound
CLASS: ART 211 Art and Technology
PROFESSOR: Cat Thompson
SEMESTER / TERM: Spring 16
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
DOWNLOAD: Click Here
LINK: Click Here
I created this Flip Book to better understand how early animation was created prior to the invention of film. By drawing images that vary slightly from page to page in sequence, the illusion of motion is created. I drew a rose starting and ending its life cycle. Drawing each image was tedious but rewarding process. I found it fascinating to learn about the progress of the animation industry from then to now. The technology has changed drastically, but the goal of telling a good story has remained constant throughout.
TITLE: Canvas Cat
MEDIA: Animatic
SOFTWARE: Adobe Premiere
SPECIFICATIONS: 1080 px X 1920px, 24fps, 0’46”, sound
CLASS: FMX 317 Animation II
PROFESSOR: Douglas Sutherland
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
DOWNLOAD: Click Here
LINK: Click Here
I created this animatic as tool to outline the story and find the timing for a future animation. I created this animatic by first drawing each of the major frames. I put the major frames into Premiere and timed each part of the scene approximately. I then used Photoshop to create some pngs of objects in the animation and then edited these objects out of the original drawings so that they could be used as backgrounds. I imported the pngs into the baseline animation that I created. I used the effects in Premiere on the pngs to move the objects over the background. I then added sound to complete the animatic.