TITLE: Black Light Mandala
MEDIA: Video of Coded Digital Art
SOFTWARE: Adobe Dreamweaver
SPECIFICATIONS: 600 px X 600 px, 24fps, 0’31”, mute
CLASS: ART 310 Creative Coding
PROFESSOR: Santiago Echeverry
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
DOWNLOAD: Click Here
LINK: Click Here
I created this black light mandala by using Adobe Dreamweaver. First I prepared png images that I felt would make a cohesive mandala. I then coded each image to spin at a unique rate either clockwise or counter clock wise. I also coded the length of the radius the the images spin around. I coded the the stars on the outer circle to change in size and location based on the value of the mouse, which makes this mandala interactive. I used some of the images I photographed in COM 381 Digital Imaging (see imaging) and integrated them into this mandala. I also created and incorporated new components such as my glow painted hand and the glowing stars on my wall. I feel the composition of this piece is very successful and unique.
TITLE: Shapes Mandala
MEDIA: Video of Coded Digital Art
SOFTWARE: Adobe Dreamweaver
SPECIFICATIONS: 600 px X 600 px, 24fps, 0’44”, mute
CLASS: ART 310 Creative Coding
PROFESSOR: Santiago Echeverry
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
DOWNLOAD: Click Here
LINK: Click Here
I create the Shapes Mandala using Adobe Dreamweaver. Each shape in the mandala is coded point by point using straight lines as well as multiple types of curves. I coded the shapes to rotate around the center point at different rates. Many of the shapes scale and move based on the value of the mouse. Although many of the shapes are relatively simple, because there are so many of them, it creates a piece with a lot of interest and change.
TITLE: Crop Circle
MEDIA: Video of Coded Digital Art
SOFTWARE: Adobe Dreamweaver
SPECIFICATIONS: 600 px X 600 px, 24fps, 0’48”, mute
CLASS: ART 310 Creative Coding
PROFESSOR: Santiago Echeverry
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
DOWNLOAD: Click Here
LINK: Click Here
I created this piece based on a crop circle design in Adobe Dreamweaver. This piece was exciting because it gave me the opportunity to bring something to life that originally does not move at all. I used mouse interactivity in many of the components such as the background and the size of some of the circles. I also made some pieces move without mouse interactivity. I like the contrast between the pieces that move on their own and the pieces that can be moved. I think the way the filled circled meet the empty circles and fill them while spinning is successful. The color changing pieces also add an element of fun to this piece.
TITLE: Sacred Geometry
MEDIA: Video of Coded Digital Art
SOFTWARE: Adobe Dreamweaver
SPECIFICATIONS: 600 px X 600 px, 24fps, 0’27”, mute
CLASS: ART 310 Creative Coding
PROFESSOR: Santiago Echeverry
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
DOWNLOAD: Click Here
LINK: Click Here
This piece was created in Adobe Dreamweaver and based off of sacred geometry. I chose to use the triangular sacred geometry because I thought it had a more 3D effects than other pieces of sacred geometry. In this piece, I played a lot with moving triangles in a non-traditional way. I was surprised by how many intricate shapes a relative triangle could make. I regret not adding interactivity to this piece.
TITLE: Friends Graph
MEDIA: Video of Coded Digital Graph
SOFTWARE: Adobe Dreamweaver
SPECIFICATIONS: 800 px X 600 px, 24fps, 0’30”, mute
CLASS: ART 310 Creative Coding
PROFESSOR: Santiago Echeverry
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
DOWNLOAD: Click Here
LINK: Click Here
This “Friends Graph” is a moving digital image that gives the viewer information based on the colors, shapes, and movements. This Graph is a visual representation of a survey of friends at a party. The friend’s ages are represented by the height of the stationary rectangles. The friend’s hair color is represented by the center of the stationary rectangles. The friend’s eye color is represented in the stroke of the stationary rectangles. The friend’s preferred gender is represented by the fill of the moving rectangles and mouse Y. The friend’s level of happiness is determined by how drastically the moving rectangle is moving up and down. The friend’s number of drinks is represented by the length of the moving rectangle. Friends who kissed somebody that night have rectangles that move with mouse X. The friend’s who threw up that night have an angled tip on the top of the stationary rectangle.