To be one with life, is one who enjoys life, for there is only one. Consuming the multitude of different artistic aspects, is essentially in the eye of the creator. A vision without a plan is not a plan, for there is no vision.  Who am I? What defines me? How will I make an impact? What will they remember? When will we know? The answer is in the heart of the creator.

Art is an aesthetic that is used to capture real life elements, yet portrayed in a vibrance of different spectrum’s. Through the  millions of creators, you have visual art, audio art, hands-on art, and more. Which art form are you most fascinated with? Once you find the answer, take the appropriate time to analyze and study past and present histories of the art form. Learn the art in and out. Make mental notations that will propel the art form in a way that you would want the public to receive it.